On Tuesday morning the call that we had been hoping for, longing for, praying for....finally came! Our adoption coordinator called that morning to tell us that our SDA appointment was May 27th in Kiev and we would be flying to Ukraine on May 25th. I was elated! Full of joy and thankfulness! Wanting to tell everyone about this exciting news! Ellie, Josiah, Ashley and I rejoiced together and I asked Ellie to quickly construct a poster for me to take to Jim's office. After I dropped Josiah off at school I drove over to Jim's office and walked into the receptionist area with a huge grin on my face. Jim's staff could tell something was up. Fortunately, Jim wasn't with a patient...he was standing in the hall. So I held up my sign and burst into tears.
Finally! After months of waiting...we had our travel dates! And it was less then two weeks away!! For two days we excitedly began making plans to travel. Jim's schedule was cleared of appointments, shopping lists and packing lists were made out, childcare arrangements were put in place, weekend trips that had been planned were cancelled, thoughts of hugging my son before the end of the month filled my head. But Thursday afternoon that all came to a screeching halt....
They closed adoptions to our region today.
My heart sunk as I read this and I immediately tried to contact our adoption coordinator to see if this was true. Igor is in the same region as their daughter. What would this mean for us? Although I repeatedly tried, I couldn't get a response from our coordinator. But this morning I received the dreaded phone call. Yes. It's true. Effective immediately today, all adoptions in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk have been closed. Orphan services feels it's too dangerous to allow American families to travel there. NO exceptions will be made. Now instead of calling the travel agent who had reserved our flights to pay for our plane tickets...I would call him and tell him to cancel the reservation. We could not travel.
So what does that mean for us going forward? Tonya did give us a smidgen of hope to hang onto when we spoke this morning. She said that the SDA is going to wait and see what happens with the election on May 25th (Yes, we had been scheduled to travel on election day....of all days...) If things get messy after the election they are going to try and get the children who are in the process of being adopted out of those regions to a safe place. Right now, that's all the information we have. We don't know if the region will open back up for adoption. We don't know what would happen if they moved Igor to a safe place. But today, even as we reel from this news we will choose not to hang our hope on man and his abilities, but on God who is Sovereign in all things. God. Who moves mountains. God. Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or think. God. Who is our only stronghold and strength when everything else crumbles around us. God. Who says,
Do not call to mind the former things,
Or ponder things of the past.
Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert.
God is fully capable of rescuing Igor and bringing him home to us. He is fully capable of accomplishing this adoption in a way we couldn't have imagined and has never been done before. But we will declare, just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego declared...
"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire (the Ukrainian unrest) and He will deliver us out of your hand,
O King. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O King,
That we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that
you have set up."
"But even is He does not....." Even if He does not fulfill this dream....We will still praise Him. We will still love Him. And we will still trust that His plan is best.
So please pray with us....
- for healing of our broken hearts
- for renewed trust in God's sovereign and perfect plan
- for protection for Igor
- for God to be glorified
- for God to bring about Igor's rescue
- for safety for the family in Ukraine right now. They are in a very dangerous place.
Jim told me yesterday, that when I texted him the news that Igor's region may be closed for adoption, He immediately began to pray and He was reminded of the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was asked to offer his only son on an altar as a sacrifice to God. To prove that Abraham trusted God's plan even when he didn't understand it. To show that he loved God more than anything else. Jim was reminded that Igor (and all of our children for that matter) is God's. He doesn't belong to us and he never will. God will work out His best plan for Igor... in His timing...in His way.
"what Thou wilt; as Thou wilt; when Thou wilt." - Thomas a Kempis