On Wednesday morning we got up early to catch a 7:30 bus to Balta. Around noon the bus dropped us off along the hightway and we met up with Svetlana and Alyona and began the long and torturous drive across the country's worst roads. Sometime around 1:30 we arrived in town. We needed to drop our dossier and referral off with the social worker and get some documents notarized. We also checked into our hotel. When we stopped at the first notary office we found it locked up and closed, although they were supposed to be open until 4pm. There are two notaries in Balta, so we went to the 2nd office. The notary was there, however she told us they closed at noon and she couldn't help us. Even when we offered to pay double, she refused to notarize our documents. Svetlana and Alyona both got on their phones to come up with plan B and we began praying. As they talked to different people to figure out what could be done, we learned some information that once again reminded us that God was in the details and He fights for us. Apparently there is a big notary conference today (Thursday). All the notary offices in this region will be closed as the employees attend this conference. If we had gotten our referral on Wednesday as planned (instead of Tuesday) we would have been arriving in Balta today with no options at all for getting our documents notarized. We could see God's provision for us even in allowing us to pick up the referral on Tuesday! After several phone calls, the ladies figured out what could be done, and by 3:00 we were on our way to Pishana. Another 45 minute, jostling ride had to be endured before we finally arrived at the orphanage.

Igor had been watching for us. He was giddy with excitement! After greeting us, he immediately ran over to Svetlana and Alyona and began firing away questions. How long would we be there? When would court be? How long until court? When would we take him with us?
The director and teachers at his orphanage had prepared him before our arrival. He understood that we were redoing everything and he couldn't come with us this time. He asked us if we had finished all our paperwork.
We learned from the social worker and teachers from his school that last February, when he was told about our dossier being thrown out, he cried for a long time and was inconsolable. They told us he had all the teachers crying along with him.
While this long delay has been hard on us, it has been most excruciating for Igor. We pray that God will quickly finish this for Igor's sake.
We only had 45minutes to spend with Igor before we had to head back to Balta to pick up paperwork by 5pm. But now we are headed out to spend the whole afternoon with this sweet boy!
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